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Family Connections

Family history research and genealogy specialist in Northamptonshire

old photo of a man

Professional Genealogy & Family History Research

Not everyone has the time or the inclination to research their family tree, which is why Family Connections is here to help. An experienced local historian and member of the Society of Genealogists will consult the records on your behalf and bring the past to life.

How Does It Work?


A free consultation of 30 minutes begins the research. At this stage, we would discuss your budget and the various costs involved in producing the research.


General Record Office certificates that may be needed would be charged at cost after gaining permission to purchase them. A wall chart showing you family tree is always useful, and these can be obtained; the cost is dependent on the type of paper or canvas used.


A report would be produced detailing your ancestors and it can be sent to you as a Word or PDF document. It is also possible to produce a hardback or softback book, which is popular. You could have photographs from your collection added to the report or book.

Want to Research Yourself?

Alternatively, Family Connections can provide just the assistance you need to “do it yourself”. If you would like a “Tracing Your Family Tree” presentation tailored to the needs of your group, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We take payment via PayPal, which accepts both debit and credit card payments.


a Free Consultation

The key to our service is constant communication, so that you always feel in control of the project. Contact us today to get started – don’t forget that the first consultation is free of charge!